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Stuning coffee with this Tropical fruits flavours profile from Anaerobic process boost this coffee more bold with bloozy notes , a must try! 

Candy and Jammy fruits dominate the aroma and quickly follow through into the flavour profile, with a delicious combination of Snake fruit and Blozzy plum , chased by mango and Tropical fruits, delivered with a molasses 
About the coffee

Origin: Ethiopia
Regional: Guji
Area: Kercha
Altitude: 1800 – 2000 masl
Farmers: 300+
Variety: Heirloom 
Producer:  Kercha Washing Station
About the coffee

This coffee is grown by families in kercha area and they sell their cherries to the Mill that do all the anaerobic process . The Mill is located in Guji, Kercha and Gelan, Oromia, Ethiopia. 
In the southern Oromia region of Ethiopia, the Guji Zone is known for its many high-altitude coffee producing areas located within dense old forests, providing cooling shade for slow fruit maturation. The slow maturation, thanks to all the forest cover, produces exceptionally sweet coffee, exemplified by Ethiopia Kercha’s flavours of tropical fruit, strawberry but with the annaeriobice process it boost the flavour to be more exotic Tropical fruit. It’s a coffee that truly has it made in the shade. 

V60: 15g / 250g / 2.3:00 mins / 93°

Ethiopia Anaerobic - Guji Kercha Grade 1

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