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WARRIOR 2 (420ml) : Our signature Pointed Eagle Spout design gives you the maximum control and best for producing versatile patterns."Following the success of the warrior version 1 (almost sold out). JIBBI took the next step and improved the ergonomics of the milk jug.The warrior version 2 has allowed for more space around the handle which in turn will give more people greater control in pourfecting their milk texturing and latte art. So those with bigger hands have no excuse to not give this amazing milk jug a try.The spout is uniquely designed by jibbi and whilst it takes a little time to master, once perfected it will make pouring more intricate and detailed. The downward angle of the spout is crafted to be narrow, sharp and straight. As you become more confident with this spout, the results will become more apparent. Pro:For Basic to intricate PatternsElectroplating finishedSpout is help to get closer to the surfaceBest Milk flowNo milk wastes, Suit all dine-in size in cafe from 3 oz to 12 oz ConsSpout width at 3 cm can give heavy milk flow*( *Tip! lifting the tip of jug away from the surface for small leaves patterns) NOTES REGARDS COLOR COATINGAll JIBBIJUGs are made with 304 grade stainless steel (excluded original series). The application of  color plating to our products, is to make it appear more attractive. Please be aware that there are slight different color tones in some area, and in rare cases, may have some tiny soft spots on the metal. It all depends on the color schemes, methods, finish, and material used for coating, and surface chemical treatments.The Color Plating is application is only intended to appear on the exterior surface of the jug. But in most cases, such application may unintentionally appear inside the jug.Color Imperfections will appear inside the jug, this is common to all jugs with color application, and is not a defect.Light haze or fine scratch line may appear on the internal surface of the jug. This is common to all jugs with an Electroplating application, and is not a defect.You will find a different combination of Blue shade (Aqua, Purple, Dark blue or light blue) in one jugs, It is normal and not a defect. As we are using 3 primary colors mix to get the blue one, so teh results will be a blending shade of blue.Handle Warranty We serve the right to repair or replace for faulty handle within 1 years from the date of first purchase. Purchaser must provide proof of purchase. We reserve the right not to offer an repair when the handle fault is a result of misuse or neglect. Any injury damage or improper use will void the warranty. If you have any problem with Handle or any parts, please return it back to us for repair or replacement. Just inform us to,  we will find the best way to resolve the problem



    • Size 420ml Capacity.
    • Pointed Eagle Spout allow producing versatile patterns with high definition
    • Approx. 7 cm diameter, 9.5 cm height.
    • High Quality Stainless Steel Grade 304
    • 0.8 mm Thickness.
    • Weight 180g.
    • Maker - JIBBILITTLE.
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